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22 Oct 2024

Content Strategy – The Right Flow Of Process

Content Strategy – As we have all known for a long time, content is “king”! And numerous marketers pay homage to their king in the form of blogs, videos, audio posts, and any other Content Strategy aimed at a specific target group and ideally attracts new customers.

Proceed In The Following Steps


Before you jump into content production, think strategically about what you want to achieve, by whom, and when. That means it is important

  • To Have An Overarching Goal
  • Do I Want To Generate New Leads, For Example, Or Create Awareness?
  • To Define An Exact Buyer Persona,
  • Who Should My Content Be Tailored?
  • To Know The Respective Position Within The Buyer’s Journey.

Should the content appeal to a target group that has just discovered us or is about to make a purchase decision?

Above all, buyer persona and journey are essential tools to understand target customers’ needs and pick them up at the right place. The buyer persona is much more precise than a rough target group and, in this way, facilitates both strategic considerations and actual content production. If the buyer’s journey is clearly defined, you can better assess what your buyer persona needs at what time and thus provide your prospects with accurate Content Strategy. It can also be beneficial to conduct a content audit beforehand and sort all existing content according to the listed criteria and freshness, relevance, and appropriateness.

After the preliminary considerations, designing a structured framework for content production can now be a matter of design.


In this context, the term “framework” includes all processes that must be determined before and after content publication. It means that from brainstorming to implementation, it makes sense to establish specific structures right from the start to retain control over the long term.

Editorial Calendar

All vital information for the publication of content is collected in an editorial calendar and thus provides the necessary overview of already published and planned content. Essential components of such a calendar are:

  • Planned Publication Date
  • Content Creation Due Date
  • Author
  • Title Of The Content
  • Description Of The Content
  • Subject/Topic
  • Status (In Progress/Published)

Content Strategy Creation Workflow

To ensure that the time specifications of the editorial calendar are adhered to, and the publication works smoothly, a working flow should be recorded with the help of a project management tool, for example, and the responsibilities from creation to publication should be determined.Workflow

Here it gets a little more concrete, and it becomes clear why the strategic considerations from the run-up are needed. In addition to the title, short description, and possible sources, the following information can be helpful here:


The right tools that make publishing the content as easy as possible and help us with reporting should not be missing. So it is important

  • A Suitable CMS (Content Management System)
  • A Publishing System
  • A Reporting System For Analysis

Content Distribution

If the content is live, that does not mean that it will also be found and clicked. Therefore, in generating data, leads,

The main ways to do this are

Social Media

Share the content on the profiles of your company and your employees. Keep in mind that each platform may have different design requirements.

Paid Advertising

It is also possible to gain reach through SEA and social. In that case, you should never forget which goals you want to achieve with such a content strategy. In the spirit of inbound marketing, of course, in the end, it is always about winning qualified leads and new customers. Therefore, tools such as gated content, CTAs, and contact forms are essential, turning the anonymous visitor into a promising lead.


In content marketing, this symbolic “queen” corresponds to a solid structure around content creation that makes the content accurate and helpful. In content marketing, this symbolic “queen” corresponds to a solid design around content creation that makes the Content Strategy correct and valuable.

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