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22 Oct 2024
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Emotional Leadership – Different Kinds Of Leaders

Emotional Leadership – At some point, being your particular boss means being other people’s boss too. Because if the business grows, you must start delegating and hiring employees. So the “solopreneur” has to become a leader and acquire new team management skills. For this reason, today, we want to tell you what inspirational leadership is.

In short, it is about the ability of the boss to detect the emotional needs of their collaborators. Also, respond in the most appropriate way to them. It implies, on the one hand, that the leader knows himself and can manage his feelings. On the other, that through skills such as empathy and communication, he can boost the motivation and growth of his team.

This concept is linked to emotional intelligence, presented by psychologist Daniel Goleman in the mid-1990s. In addition to control over one’s emotions, additional skills are required, such as empathy and the ability to listen and adapt to new situations. Let’s first look at some of the different emotional leadership styles.

The Controlling Leader

He is the type of boss who puts discipline and strict adherence to the rules first. He usually explains from the outset how things are done precisely, without trembling his pulse, to apply punishments and penalties. However, in times of crisis, His main weakness is that, in general, it is a style that arouses rejection among the team members.

The Participative Leader

He likes to make decisions based on the opinions and experience of his work team. This tactic can be very effective when the company is in a complex scenario. Its diagnosis requires different points of view. The B side of this leadership style is that, in more top-down corporate cultures like the Mexican, it can be seen as a sign of weakness, which can also delay decision-making.

The Motivational Leader – Emotional Leadership

It is the one that focuses on the growth and autonomy of the team so that it is capable of making decisions on its own and providing creative solutions to the most challenging problems. Although he gives instructions when necessary, he does not impose a single path. On the contrary, he works actively in forming a successor since he does not feel essential or afraid of losing his position.

The Benchmark Leader

More than just another team member, this type of boss is regarded with higher admiration and respect. For example, because he is the founder of the company, because he has been working in it for many years or because he has impressive achievements in his field of activity. Moreover, he is an inspiring and prominent leader who leads the way with wisdom and his daily work example.

The Coaching Leader

He is the one who dedicates time and effort to training his team and creating a good work atmosphere. He believes more in joint achievements than in individual ones and affective ties to manage conflicts. But beware, this can be demotivating for top talent if they are not adequately compensated. And it can also affect overall productivity.The Coaching Leader

Different Emotional Leadership Styles

Always Stay Connected With Your Own Emotions And Those Of Others

As we already mentioned, dynamic leadership combines self-knowledge and empathy. This symbiosis allows us to influence others positively and better manage negative feelings, such as fear of failure, envy, or aggressiveness.

Trust Yourself, But Recognize Your Limitations

One of the foulest mistakes we can make leading a team is feeling like a superhero in moments of success and an absolute failure when there are difficulties. Work on your self-confidence: understand that you cannot always win or fight on all fronts. Focus on your priority tasks, delegate, and ask for help when necessary.

Focus On The Solutions, Not The Culprits

What do bad bosses do when there’s a problem? They look for the person responsible for exposing or punishing him for his mistake; and, by the way, ignore the problem. Instead, the emotional leader coldly analyzes the situation with his team, detects the flaw, shares his point of view on what to do next time, and gives precise instructions to avoid further difficulties.

Show Your Human Side

Lastly, don’t confuse authority with distance. The emotional leader knows when he can be vulnerable and should ask for help and when he is expected to take the lead and make the most vital decisions. On the other hand, nobody expects you to behave like a robot in front of your people.


Emotional Leadership – Of course, emotional leadership has nothing to do with the “nice” or “cool” boss. It is incapable of handling conflicts or demanding results. Although each personality exercises it naturally, it is a skill that can be learned from the hand of a coach or trainer.

Helpful Resources – Strategy

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