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22 Oct 2024

Street Business – Strategies To Attract Customers

Street business face a scenario of change on many fronts: on the one hand, there is the post-pandemic world that has represented profound changes in the needs, habits, and demands of consumers; On the other hand, there are the considerations about the advance of digital commerce that has significantly expanded the options for buyers, making them less loyal.

The challenges are enormous. Therefore, only those entrepreneurs who can understand them and make the necessary adjustments to the value proposition of their stores will be able to move forward and grow. The new strategies cannot miss health security (because the pandemic is still among us), the convergence of offline and online systems, and the creation of experiences. Let’s see what this is about.

Health Security

Given the new normality, physical stores are obligated to adopt measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus within their facilities, to bring peace of mind to the elderly or more vulnerable, significantly when most people have relaxed with the use of face masks.

Do not forget to maintain the main health safety protocols on your premises, such as

  • Mandatory use of face masks for employees and customers
  • Limit capacity
  • Respect the healthy distance of one and a half meters
  • The use of antibacterial gel
  • Frequent cleaning of all work areas

The Creation Of Experiences – Street Business

For example, if you sell cosmetics, women constantly look for an expert to show them the ideal foundation for their skin type and tone. If food is your thing, you must do tastings or prepare live recipes. There are other options, such as settings, raffles, and the announcement of last-minute offers. Here the important thing is creativity, and you do not always need to invest an enormous budget in this type of activation.

The Convergence Of The Physical Business And The Digital World

Although you want them to visit your store, you must understand that your customers spend a large part of the day on the Internet; therefore, you have to coordinate your efforts to communicate with them in both worlds, whether or not you have an e – Commerce, since for consumers your brand is one.

If you have an online store, you can allocate a section of the store to display products that are only sold on that channel (for example, furniture or other items that are very bulky and too expensive to store). Also, show ads for special offers for those who buy via the Internet. On the other hand, you can offer pick-up options at no cost in the physical store and, of course, the possibility of seeing and trying the products before buying them for the first time.Physical Business

Remember that most often, customers want a complete shopping experience. So they value how well they can take advantage of each channel. And if you don’t have an online store, reinforce the brand’s ability to communicate through social networks.

The Adoption Of More Technology – Street Business

Faced with an overinformed, impatient, and increasingly demanding customer, physical businesses need to improve their systems for data storage and management, not only to provide you with better service but also to get to know you better and make the necessary adjustments in the sales strategy.

Let’s look at some concrete examples of Street Business. Today no business can afford the client has difficulties obtaining a tax receipt, so it is essential to have a sound billing system. In addition, it is crucial to quickly confirm to the customer whether or not we have a product in the warehouse, and this is only possible with a business management system with an inventory module incorporated. Finally, to provide good service on the sales floor, you must strictly have the necessary personnel to control attendance and arrivals. For the administration of payments, you will require a payroll system.

The good news is that today there are many companies that offer platforms adapted to the needs of SMEs, so don’t miss out on this fundamental investment for your company’s growth.

Renewed Loyalty Programs

Did you know that more than 70% of customers repeat their visit in stores with loyalty programs, such as point cards, cashback programs (which return a percentage of the ticket), or shopping clubs? But, of course, these incentives cannot be the same as those of your competition, so here you have to use creativity so that your brand stands out from the rest.

In this strategy, it is vital to know your clients’ different buyer persona profiles in depth to offer personalized rewards according to their new needs, the time of year, and current phenomena, such as inflation. For example, if you have a shoe store and school is coming up again, you can offer double points for purchasing children’s shoes.

In addition, the loyalty experience should always be easy. Ideally, don’t charge for a points card. And if those points have an expiration date, continually remind your customers so they don’t feel shortchanged when they can no longer use them.


If you sell office supplies and you know that most of your customers now work from home, you can offer exclusive products in exchange for points that allow them to improve the atmosphere of their office or work more efficiently.

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